Even on the third day of the rescue operation, no clue has been found of the labourer Ramesh who was buried 50 feet deep in a well in the fields of Bithamda village of Hisar on 4 October. The rescue teams dug the well up to 65 feet till 6 pm on Monday, but there is no trace of Ramesh. Now the rescue teams will start the operation again on Tuesday morning with the help of Poklane machine to find the labourer Ramesh. It was told that the socket was at a depth of about 52 feet in the well. 5 Poklane machines, JCB and 8 tractors are engaged in the rescue operation. A team of 30 NDRF employees from Sunaria of Rohtak is engaged in the work. The employees included in the team told that the ground is very weak, the soil slides down again and again. The paddy crop standing in about 2-3 acres around the tubewell has also been cut. Machines are running during the excavation on this land.